Thursday, December 23, 2010

Playing Santa

Every year since we moved here, I have played Santa for my three nieces. My sister didn't know where to hide their gifts so they wouldn't find them ahead of time. So, she gives them to me to keep at my house. I buy special "Santa" wrapping paper, tags and ribbons so the "Santa" gifts look different from all the other gifts. I try to disguise my handwriting on the tags so it doesn't look too familiar to the girls. Then, on Christmas eve, while my sister's family go to church with her in-laws, we sneak into their house (not down the chimney, though) and hide all the wrapped gifts in the basement so she can arrange them after the girls are asleep.

The girls are almost too old to believe in Santa, though. They have begun asking questions. One asked: "Mommy, are you Santa Claus?". Another one asked: "Mommy, is Aunt Judy Santa Claus?". The youngest, Molly, is perhaps the most observant; she said: "Mommy, Santa's handwriting looks a lot like the Tooth Fairy's handwriting". (I do Santa's and my sister does the Tooth Fairy's.) One day she engaged me in a long discussion of whether I thought Santa and the Tooth Fairy know each other. We decided they probably are friends. She wasn't so sure about the Easter Bunny...


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

You are so sweet.
I remember when my first one unraveled the truth... it was devastating, and of course I felt responsible for the whole pack of lies. But I made a good recovery... I told him that there was a Saint Nicholas, and all about his real and good intentions, and that now that William was old enough to understand, he could be participate in the secret and grown-up part of carrying on the good deeds of St. Nicholas, emphasizing the honor of helping to create magic. With all the rest of the children I gradually introduce this concept, and each of them has been proud and honored to make the transition! And now I feel like writing all this down in my blog... so I don't fill your comments up.... lol
You are part of the Magic, Judy! Merry Christmas!

judy in ky said...

I love the way you explained Saint Nicholas to your children. That was a wonderful gift to give them, to carry on the magic in a real way.
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Natalie!

rachel said...

My mother eased me out of the difficult stage of not quite believing any more by whispering that she would like me to stay up late and help to put everyone's presents out - staying up late was the most enormous treat in our family, and I was so thrilled that I didn't have a single lingering regret about Father Christmas!

Happy Christmas to you and yours, Judy....

judy in ky said...

Happy Christmas to you and yours as well, Rachel. I enjoy your blog and the adventures of your charming animals.