The King's Speech.
This is the kind of movie I love. Not a Hollywood blockbuster... no "action" shots, no car chases, no violence, not a gun in sight. Based on truth, with a sense of history. It has a low-key humor, touching in a subtle way. I love Colin Firth, always have. After seeing this, I love Geoffrey Rush, too. They both played their parts so well. Amazingly well, if I may say so.
Thank goodness for movies like this!
It's on my list.
Happy New Year dear friend!
Happy New Year to you and your charming family, Natalie!
I thought Geoffrey Rush was great. Had never seen him before so I looked him up on Wikipedia. It turns out he is one of 21 actors to have won 3 awards - academy award and 2 others that are now escaping me.
I haven't seen many of his movies. He was in Pirates of the Caribbean but I don't think I recognized him. The Kings Speech was a great part for him!
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