HGTV has a new show... it's called "Selling New York". The series follows two high-end real estate firms in New York City. They sell luxury properties in New York. For me, it's a glimpse into another world.
These apartments sell in the millions of dollars. They rent for $20,000 to $30,000 per month. What do you get for $30,000 a month? Well, you can see it here! Fascinating!

The people who sell these properties look like socialites themselves. All are thin, coifed, and dressed to the nines. They don't look like Hollywood types, though. Not the bleached blonde, puffy lipped, super-bosomy types at all. They look sleek and classy. It's nice for a change. I think I prefer a New York vibe to a Hollywood vibe. Not that I could afford either!

yeah, nyc is thin and brunette for the most part...all the girls look alike :)
And by the look of it, they don't have cats (or humans, or cooking....) in their apartments either!
No cats? The very thought of it... I could never feel at home without my cats.
Yes, and one of the buyers said he never cooks, but still wanted top-of-the-line appliances... go figure!
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