I have been to three different dentists for second opinions on having my teeth fixed. I have finally found one that I like. She is a soft-spoken lady dentist who patiently answered all my questions, gave me options where she could, and quoted me a reasonable price. So, next week I begin treatment.
My tooth problems are exacerbated by Sjogren's syndrome, sometimes known as "dry mouth". I have to be very vigilant about brushing and flossing, and use special prescription toothpaste. I try not to eat sugary foods and, if I do, go right away to use the waterpik. It's also a generational thing... I grew up before it was common practice to use fluoride treatments on children's teeth. These days it's not uncommon for a child to grow up never having a single cavity. That wasn't true with my generation. And, as some of us know, all these things seem to get worse with age. I just never want to end up like my grandmother, who kept her teeth in a jar at night!
I sympathise Judy. I've got an infection in the already filled root of a molar and it's going to take hundreds of pounds to try to save it. Worth a try though!
We look forward to seeing your gleaming smile!
Thanks for your comment. We can't take our teeth for granted, can we?
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