I will come back. Right now I am processing how to mentally handle a situation that I have no power to change. Remember the Serenity Prayer? It says, "God grant me serenity to accept the things I can not change; courage to change the things I can; the wisdom to know the difference". Right now I am struggling with the first part... trying to accept things I have no power to change.

It involves money, and someone who seems to think that money grows on trees. This is weighing heavily on my mind. I am trying to deal with it gracefully. But I worry about retirement. At the time we should be preparing for it, I see it slipping away...
I am trying to manage the second part.. courage to change the things I can.
Seems we are always having to deal. I hope you find serenity, and peace of mind about your future.
Stay gentle, loving and hopeful, but stand your ground; sometimes other people need to hear painful truths spoken softly.
Hope things improve quickly..
Thank you both. I feel better, just reading your words.
Writing it is saying it
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