Remember Dan Ackroyd's spoof of Julia Child cutting up a chicken? She cut her finger and it just kept bleeding. I reenacted that scene yesterday in my own kitchen.
I was slicing potatoes to make a gratin for Easter Sunday. I was using a gadget called a mandoline. There is nothing better for making uniformly thin slices. The unfortunate side of it was that my finger got in the way, and I sliced the tip off, about an eighth of an inch of it. It bled like crazy and frightened me because it wouldn't stop.
I wrapped it in gauze, then more gauze, then more gauze, as it kept bleeding through. Finally, I grabbed a box of tissues and my car keys and drove to the doctor's office, using my one good hand. I considered driving to the nearest ER but thought I would check with the doctor since that is closer. The doctor's office was very accommodating. They took one look and led me to sit down. The doctor came right out and looked at it. He held my finger between two of his own and squeezed. He said it was like using a tourniquet. Sure enough, it stopped bleeding... but every time he let go it started again. They bandaged it up and instructed me to hold it like that until it stopped bleeding. It took about an hour but it did stop.
Today I resumed cooking for Easter. My finger is a little sore, but not bad. It's not easy typing, though, with this awkward bandage on my right hand. But, hey, I am carrying on in the spirit of Julia!
That was sensible, seeking medical assistance; you were fortunate too. Remember my post last year (attica-slowlife.blogspot.com/2009/12/bloody-tale.html)
with neighbour Tim and his cut finger? It's still an unpleasant sight even now.....
OMG. You take care. And have a good Easter!!!
I remember Tim's story, and I went back and read it again. Some similarities there... but it sounds like his injury was much more serious than mine. Twelve stitches! Ow!
yikes !!!! however I sooooo want a mandoline of my own with a safety cutting attachment to hopefully prevent such accidents. So ? what were you uniformly slicing ? something for your Easter feast ? Do tell ? Hope that chocolate Bunny finds you & yours. xo les Gang
I cut myself EVERYTIME I use that thing. I finally just stopped using it.
I'll take some photos of my Easter feast. I was slicing potatoes for a gratin!
p.s. Happy Easter to you all!
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