Friday, August 5, 2011

The World's Longest Yard Sale

Have you heard of the World's Longest Yard Sale? It's a yard sale that is 675 miles long!

The longest yard sale takes place this weekend. It happens every year during the first weekend in August. It stretches for 675 miles, from Michigan to Alabama. The route follows Route 127, which goes right through my town.

Many towns set up their own sale, and individuals set up their tables and tents all along the way. Schools set up sales; churches set up sales; retail stores have sidewalk sales.

Some people take the whole weekend off, and travel along as much as the route as time permits. As more people hear about this, they come from all over the country to take it all in.

There are yard sales everywhere! It's quite a sight to see. In fact, the first year we moved here I had no idea what was going on. I turned onto Route 127 to go to the store and there were tents and tables and people as far as the eye could see.

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