Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have to have a root canal this morning! Ack!

Root canal was not bad at all. I took a Xanax before, took my neck pillow with me, and managed to relax. In fact, I almost fell asleep at one point! It really was painless. Whew!


  1. As if it could help... you have loads and loads of sympathy coming from me. I am sorry. I hope it goes easy-peasy. I hope you find a winning lottery ticket too. I have nothing but big hopes, and sympathy for you.

  2. Dentistry is your middle name these days, isn't it! Hope all goes well.....

  3. I've had several over the years and remember facing each with the same severe" doom & gloom" attitude & Ativan "and" as you've expressed here -easy peasy, piece o'cake ... Cake ? please. Wink

    I think the evil root canal is a fable from the very olden days of dentistry - they're so slick now you hardly realize you've been in the chair.
