Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I was exhausted on Monday, after all the Easter fun. I rested up, because today is Tuesday, and this afternoon I have three nieces to pick up and take through their homework and gymnastics paces. Also, this morning I have an early appointment with the dentist that is scheduled to take two hours... maybe I can ask the dentist to put me to sleep so I can rest some more!


  1. I'm with you. We had a house full for the first time in years. And no funerals... just fun. Everyone has gone home. There's gonna be cleaning and laundry and I will pace myself!

  2. sounds like a plan :) i remember when i had my wisdom teeth out, they put me under completely.

  3. Judy....go for the gas. (At the dentist, that is!)

    I had lovely plans to go to a brunch and enjoy other people's cooking. What happened? Cruel mother nature ushered in a mini blizzard and trapped Katy and me at home with only roasted potatoes and roasted peppers. Once we accepted our fate, we piled up plates and watched "Australia". Had Cadbury cream eggs for dessert. It was a good day after all

  4. Anya, I'm glad it turned out to be a nice day for you and Katy.

    Bearette, the dentist didn't put me out, but I think he tried to talk me to sleep! (See todays' post).

    Jenn, I am pacing myself too. I think I will go and have a spa day!
