Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tick... tick... tick...

I feel like we are counting down the days until winter. I heard this morning that there are blizzard conditions in the upper midwest, with up to ten inches of snow expected. We have been having highs in the 70s, but next week they are predicted to drop into the 40s.

So far, November here has been delightful. Everything is sunny and golden. The air smells of dry leaves and wood fires.
Before long, it will be gray and cold and the trees will be bare. Then we will just have to find some things to like about winter.


  1. oh that red bush in the top photo is breathtakingly beautiful ... nature is grand isn't it. Still on cloud 9 (Obama). Wink.

  2. Beautiful pictuers.
    Thanks for your kind comments on Bailey.. he is iv's on limited soft food for 6 days.
    Stitches out in 12 days.
    What a wk.
    Yes stress... unplanned no work.
    Difficult times.
    But happy so happy about Obama. Yeah.

  3. Winter is here... Two inches of the white stuff this morning, had to shovel the drive before work, I don't want it to get hard and icy in the driveway.. I guess thats what I get for living in Alaska...
