Here I am in Mexico (I'm the one in black). The grounds of our hotel were beautifully landscaped, with charming little sculptures along the way. I was taking a photo of this one when a friendly groundskeeper offered to take my photo next to her (or was it him?).

They have this circular pool, which has a current running through it. You can walk or float with the current and it carries you along, or you can walk against the current for a gentle workout. That was the extent of my working out during this vacation!

If you wanted to cool off, you could stand under this waterfall:

The path leads to the beach:

The breeze blowing the palm trees...

...and the flags.

The hallway outside our room:

We went with friends from Philadelphia. That's my husband on the right and our "frequent traveler buddies" with him:

Look at that bright blue sky!

Palapas with "cat's ears" on top. This one made me think of a monster face, with the "ears" it's eyes, then the ridge of light down the middle forming a big nose, then the wide mouth around the bottom. I kept expecting it to open that big mouth and growl at us!

Palapas and palm trees:

Pirates: wait, was that Johnny Depp?

Serenity and relaxation. I had my first ever hot stone massage. It was wonderful!

My husband, in the shirt I gave him to remind him to take time off:

And food and wine:

A good time was had by all!