We have indoor decorations and outdoor decorations! We have indoor cats and outdoor cats! I have been busy with them all.
When I'm not arranging decorations, I've been taking outdoor kitties to be neutered so the feral cat population around here doesn't get out of control (my neighbor and I have been doing "TNR" which stands for "trap, neuter, release" which is what humane societies recommend.)
What have the outdoor kitties been up to? They have been hanging out on our deck. They don't let us get too close to them, but they are becoming braver and getting closer by the day. Now they have discovered the swing!

Look at this little cutie, peeking at me from her perch!

Those blue things are two of the little kittie shelters we put out for them. There are two more down below, plus a tent. We think they have been sleeping in them at night. In the morning, I can see little eyes peering out from them.

Inside, we have stockings hung on the fireplace. The big one says "Merry Christmas" in Hawaiian (because we love Hawaii). The little one says "Meow" because we love kitties.

I put this arrangement on an antique marble-topped table that I inherited from my great aunt.

The arrangement below is on my dining room table:

And this one is in the kitchen:

So, that's what has been keeping me busy around here. Along with picking up my nieces from school, Christmas shopping, cooking, sewing and reading!