Yesterday was Tuesday, which means I take care of my three nieces, ages 7, 9, and 11. Usually I pick them up at school at 3:00. School is out for Christmas, so I spent the whole day with them yesterday. My sister and her husband were both working across the Ohio River in Indiana for the day. I came to their house at 9:00 in the morning. They were still in their P.J.s so they took showers and got dressed. They had a friend come over and play in the morning. At lunch time, I made lunch for the four of them.
We decided to go to the movie, "High School Musical Three". It was showing at a local theater near my house that has a special rate of $1.75 for everyone on Tuesdays. They loved it! They smiled and laughed all the way through it. My husband came with us, and he bought them all special treats at the snack bar. We even found seats all together. When we went into the theater the sky was gray and rain was predicted. When we came out, we found that there was an ice storm well underway. The parking lot was like an ice skating rink!
We heard on the radio that the roads were a mess, and there were many accidents. They said all the highway ramps were closed so they could put salt down. Rather than go to my sister's house we all came back to our house, which is much closer to the theater. We had hot chocolate, played games, made crafts, and watched the Disney Channel. On the news, they kept saying the situation was getting worse by the minute. We began to wonder if we would be able to get them home. Then their mom and dad called. They were stuck in Indiana, because the bridge over the Ohio River was closed due to ice.
As it turns out, my brother-in-law sat in his car on an entrance ramp to the bridge for four hours! My sister, after hearing about the bridge being closed, found the nearest Indiana WalMart and finished her Christmas shopping. At nine p.m. we thought it would be possible to get the girls home. They were tired and wanted their P.J.s, their stuffed animals, and their own beds. So, we drove slowly and carefully (in 4-wheel drive) to my sister's house. Their dog, Sammy, had been in her crate all afternoon and evening, so she was happy to see us too!
When we got to their house we had snacks and watched "Mulan". My sister and her husband finally got home from Indiana at 11:30 p.m. Those were three happy little girls... to finally be at home, and to have their mom and dad safe at home.
I can imagine all the trouble so many people across the country are having, this holiday, traveling to see family and friends. Stranded in airports, stuck in traffic. We had just a little taste of it yesterday, and are so thankful we are staying home for Christmas this year!